


Sundays are a chance to join together as the bigger family of God that is the Light Church family. Whilst we love our home churches, we also love to come together in bigger numbers. It’s a chance to sing our worship together, a chance to hear some (hopefully) inspiring teaching from the bible and of course a great chance for our kids to grow in God as well.

We open our doors from 10am and serve tea and coffee up until about 10:25. Our worship meeting then starts at about 10:30, running normally until about 12. From time to time there will be chance for communion, prayer ministry, testimony. Then more refreshments afterwards. Kids and youth ministry happens most Sundays too.

Our Sundays aren't always the same, we roughly roll with the following timetable:

1st & 3rd Sundays - 10.30 Celebration Meeting - Worship, Preaching and other bits!
2nd Sunday - 10.30 Encounter Morning - Worship and other interactive ways to be church and encounter God - no preaching.
4th Sunday - 10:30 Deeper Teaching (no kids work); plus 11:45 - 13.00 Family Eat and Meet.
5th Sunday - Home Church Sundays

The ‘why?’ of why we meet (on Sundays or in Home Church) is found in Hebrews 10: - 
v22 Let us - draw near to God
v23 Let us - hold unswervingly to the hope
v24 Let us - spur one another on toward love and good deeds
So for this reason, let’s take v25 seriously too: ‘Let us’...not give up meeting together….. but encouraging one another.

See you there!

We also stream live on YouTube, posting the link each week on our Facebook page, or go directly to our Youtube channel to find the livestream.